Hereford Chamber Choir Presents: “The Dymock Poets re-imagined” a choral interpretation of works by the much loved Dymock Poets by Alice Drury

The chorus of voices uplifted poetry in a reverberating rememberance, echoing through the intricate, vast expanse of St Michael and All Angels Church, singing music that recalled and revived the Dymock poets. From each poet they selected one poem, then read it out to allow the talent to shine. These poems were then translated from speech to song by contemporary composers Simon Peberdy, Kerensa Briggs, Liz Dilnot Johnson, Esther Kay, and Robert Peate. Their effective ability to transform these historical verses brought these significant figures to life while adjoining an audience with an audible appreciation for their work. There were appearances from Susannah Self, daughter of Dymock poet John Drinkwater, and Robert Moreland, Friends of the Dymock Poets. In addition to the celebration of Ledbury’s poetic past, the future of writing was also given merit by feature of the highly commended Young Composers Competition. The Hereford Chamber Choir formed a collection of collection of voices that gifted Dymock Poets a beautiful moment to live again.

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A Celebration of Poetry and Translation by Alice Drury