Poetry Passeggiata

Sat 1 Jul 2023
5:15pm - 5:45pm | St Michael’s and All Angels Church Courtyard | Free - Event has now taken place.

Enjoy the golden hour! Passeggiata is the Italian tradition of stepping out into public space, to enjoy the people-watching in the flattering early evening light, and perhaps set out in search of aperitivo. Ledbury may not have a piazza, but the stone of the church will be bathed in a rosy glow, and all are welcome to join us in the courtyard. Poets in the programme will read out works in progress.



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15. Nothing Can Break My Heart Like England Can: Preti Taneja and Zaffar Kunial
16. Brothers and Bonds: Refashioning Masculinities with Anthony Anaxagorou, Will Harris, Omar Bin Musa