54. Trip Literature: Peter Scalpello and Nisha Ramayya

Sat 8 Jul 2023
4:00pm - 5:00pm | Burgage Hall - Event has now taken place.

What is the formal impact of a trip? In States of the Body Produced by Love, Nisha Ramayya burrowed into Sanskrit, one of her lost ancestral languages, via the means of a imperialist and imperialising dictionary, ‘dragging lamps’ into the shafts she’d dug. Now, the trips which concern her most recent work are of a more hallucinatory, ascendant nature. Peter Scalpello explores the formal potentialities of chemsex (use of drugs in sex), and a foray into modes of queer becoming or evasion – which is complemented with work in their day job as as sexual health therapist.  Chaired by Oluwaseun Olayiwola.

Weekend Pass event

Live streamed on Zoom


Photo credit : Nisha Ramayya by Jemima Yong

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56. Young Composers Workshop
Poetry Passeggiata