Ledbury Poetry
Ledbury Poetry House,
The Barrett Browning Institute,
Ledbury HR8 2AA
Office: 01531 634156
Box Office: 01531 636232 – office@ledburypoetry.org.uk

Director: Amy Howard

Engagement Officer, Learning and Community: Dee Davidson

Poetry House Manager: Hannah Bengough

Producer: Sabeen Chaudhry who is interested in modern and contemporary experimental and radical poetry, poetics and publishing practices and communities.
Ledbury Poetry runs programmes throughout the year from its new base at The Elizabeth Barrett Browning Institute. Salons and community projects, work with schools and work with 16-25 year olds in a new scheme called Ledbury Poetry House Key alongside a New and Emerging Writers’ Programme. Ledbury Poetry Competition runs annually, and the Ledbury Poetry Critics goes from strength to strength. Ledbury Poetry Festival takes place over ten days each July and is the biggest poetry festival in the UK, featuring poets from all over the world. Join us for a celebration of poetry in the rural heartland of England with live readings, performances, workshops, open mics, music, exhibitions, films, family events, street events, a slam and much more.